Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Day 2 in Rio--the real fun starts

We start the morning by visiting one of the 7th wonders of the world---Christ the Redeemer--large and in charge!
The afternoon is spent beach side of course, leading to an evening full of debauchery....yes, we really did crash a wedding....but we were polite :)

Cheers to a good life!


Sunday, October 25, 2009

No I Didn't Forget About You!

Hey guys!

Yes there is a lot more coming.....just in the process of moving right now while I'm juggling my two jobs plus acting career--but hey, life's good!!!

Thank you for your patience.....

Cheers to a good life!


Thursday, October 22, 2009

Brazil: My first caipirinha....delicioso!

Our first day in Rio.....we landed at about 8am, and decided the best way to handle our lack of sleep on the plane was to start drinking and hit the beach! What a beautiful day...did I mention it's Brazil's winter in August? A winter I can surely handle...

Best way to stay cool in these beautiful, warm winters is by refreshing yourself with a tasty caipirinha....perhaps a little too sweet after having 2, but delicious nonetheless....and strong :) 
Quantities for 1 drink:
*2 tsp Granulated Sugar
*1 lime (8 wedges)
*2.5 oz of Cachaca
Blending Instructions:
*Muddle the sugar into the lime wedges in an old fashioned glass
*Fill the glass with ice cubes
*Pour the cachaca into the glass
*Stir well
*Drink and enjoy and be merry

Stay tuned, as we will be doing some of the finest "touristy" things in the next episode....Papa Christo here we come!

Cheers to a good life!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I'm Going to Brazil!!!

Yeah baby that's right. Probably the BIGGEST ingredient to a good life for me---traveling!!!

I had a 10-day adventure in beautiful Rio de Janeiro. Despite all of the fear many tried to instill in my brain prior to going (yes Rio has a lot of crime and violence and massive slums) I had nothing short of a positive, incredible experience....afterall we attract what we put out there, right?

Stay tuned....lots to come!

Cheers a good life :)


Sunday, October 18, 2009

Yes--the good stuff is coming!!!

Well hello there again.

It is my intention to stay fully committed to you and show you something pertaining to "a good life" (yes matter of my opinion) almost every day...and I will. However with current circumstances being as they are, for now I'm going to take you back in time to this summer. What a summer it was!!!

Hope you're ready to do some traveling.....(we start this week NOT next week like my video states)

Cheers to a good life!


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Hello! I'm Wandering Star....

Hey there!

So welcome to my blog....thank you so much for stopping in to see what's up. 

Basically, the purpose of this blog, is to share with you, my journey to "a good life." Because I would have to say that is a universal desire shared by all...am I right??? So needless to say there will be quite the variety of subject matter to come.....

Having a successful career that I love has always been very important to me, and largely contributes to my definition of a good life. I'm currently pursuing my career as a tv host here in Los Angeles....I've had some success along the way, but I'm still not hosting my own show on the Travel Channel.....BUT I'm having a lot of fun on the journey there.....and running into some obstacles as well....I mean, who can you trust in this town??? That is the real million dollar question. And if you're a woman approached my a male producer/casting director.....oh boy.......you just never know!!!  I'm not saying that all producers, directors, casting directors, agents, etc are bad news. Not at all. In fact, one of my best friends is one of the feistiest sharks in Hollywood.....AND he's a really good guy. But many are not....here is a story from my latest hosting experience (after the brief intro to me)....fortunately I resigned....just in time!!!

Stay tuned for much more to come......thank you for watching....and cheers to a good life!

Oh but wait....before you click on the video, please let me throw out the following disclaimer: I am not an editor. I realize that the editing in this video is amateur at best. But throw me a bone, I'm new to Mac and am certainly new to editing......I promise I'm slowly learning.....just bear with me please! Thanks guys.....you're alright :)
