There is nothing like good music to set the spirit free with some dirty booty-shakin! No inhibitions, simply feeling the music and moving to it. Liberation at its finest.
And I am on a mission to get to as many music festivals around the world as possible! Here is a glimpse into my time at Jazzfest this year, in good ol' New Orleans! What a magical place.
Music aside, and trust me, it fulfills a lot!!'s a beautiful thing to see music bring so many people together....from all over the place, every walks of life. Just as much as I enjoy taking in so much sound (it's quite over-stimulating!), do I enjoy chatting it up with complete strangers. Because that's the kicker....everyone you meet at a music festival is there for the same fulfill their souls and let that spirit get down! at the end of the day NOBODY feels like a stranger. Music has a powerful way of bringing people together, which is why a music festival is a religious experience for me, and a major component to a good life.
So enjoy! Until next time, I'm off to Manchester, TN, for yet another music festival--Bonnaroo!!
Cheers to a good life y'all :)