Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Day My World Was Shaken Pt 1: Believe in People

Ah….the day was world was shaken. This topic has several parts….I’m not sure just how many yet…so, from now on I will refer to this as TDMWWS…..and you will eventually know all about it.
TDMWWS was such a slap in the face….kick in the stomach….a world filled with heartbreak. Why??  Because it all came down to believing in the wrong person. For a full year! My own darn fault….I’ll come back to that later…
Literally, the next day, I received more disheartening news that also involved believing in the wrong person. I knew in my gut, what I had needed to do, but my head had told me to believe in a friend that needed help. Well, I was really let down. And that was it. For 2-3 days, I’d had it with humanity. Very dramatic, I know, but that’s exactly how I felt. Done with everyone. Done. So done.
But then…..I had a life-changing experience. Yes, “life-changing.”…..and that is called Pueblo Ingles…..I will refer to this as PI. PI is an English-intensive program that lasts one week. There is a group of Spaniards and a group of native English speakers…otherwise know as “Anglos.” There is an equal amount of people in both groups. The program generally takes place in a small village somewhere in Spain. The program I was in was in a precious little pueblo called La Alberca.
Now, TDMWWS occurred just 1 day before I was scheduled to go on this PI thing. And quite frankly, the LAST thing I wanted to do was get on a frickin bus for 5 hours with a bunch of people I didn’t know and have to socialize. I was angry. I was depressed. And I hated everyone. BUT, my wise self knew better….I knew I had to go. Plus I had reserved my spot months ago and knew that cancelling last minute would be a crappy thing to do to the program. And, I have a very good friend, the one who told me about this program and who has done it 7 times, who was NOT going to let me back out and made sure I got on that bus (thank you Martin!). And thank goodness I did.
I cannot explain this program. It’s just something I would recommend to anybody and everybody. The slogan of PI is “more than just English.” And that’s all I can say. 70 of us spent about 12 hours a day together (or more when we went out late night), 7 days a week, and we all became so close. Like a family. It was this crazy bonding experience I’ve never experienced before. And for whatever reason…maybe it was from the comfort in strangers, the fresh mountain air, or the wine, but we all opened up to eachother about everything. Complete trust. And I truly was in the presence of 69 beautiful human beings. We laughed, we cried, we danced, we ate, we drank….. The gifts I received from them are indescribable.
I have seen several of them since the program….and I have plans on seeing a few more in the next couple of weeks. Solid new friendships have been made. People are always going to let you down….that’s life. But humanity is not a lost cause….there is in fact good reason to believe in people. And I much rather believe and love and be let down from time to time, then to have a closed heart and be dead. It can be tough….but with the right people, it’s so damn worth it.
Cheers to believing.



Hey everyone….welcome…and to some of you, welcome back. I’m sort of re-inventing this blog. No more videos. It’s now a literary only blog…..well maybe with photos at times. My posts are still inspired by what it is that makes a good life. Again, these are only my opinions. You don’t have to agree…you don’t have to like my ideas….you can even think I’m completely nuts. It’s your life afterall.
But sometimes, when one is really inspired, or has their world “shaken” a bit, they may feel compelled to share. Share the wealth? Hopefully. Life is crazy and fun and beautiful and hard and exhausting and so many other things. But we’re all in this together. ...
So if I can connect with just one of you out there….then that is everything.
And if not, that's okay, and at least I was able to ramble.
The universe loves its balance…and it will bring us gifts that elevate our spirits to levels beyond comprehension, almost at the same time it will “gift” us with what we perceive to be absolute bullshit. Excuse my French.
That “perception” is a tricky thing.
So thank you for reading, and please know your comments are always welcome.

Cheers to a good life,
