Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Hello! I'm Wandering Star....

Hey there!

So welcome to my blog....thank you so much for stopping in to see what's up. 

Basically, the purpose of this blog, is to share with you, my journey to "a good life." Because I would have to say that is a universal desire shared by I right??? So needless to say there will be quite the variety of subject matter to come.....

Having a successful career that I love has always been very important to me, and largely contributes to my definition of a good life. I'm currently pursuing my career as a tv host here in Los Angeles....I've had some success along the way, but I'm still not hosting my own show on the Travel Channel.....BUT I'm having a lot of fun on the journey there.....and running into some obstacles as well....I mean, who can you trust in this town??? That is the real million dollar question. And if you're a woman approached my a male producer/casting director.....oh just never know!!!  I'm not saying that all producers, directors, casting directors, agents, etc are bad news. Not at all. In fact, one of my best friends is one of the feistiest sharks in Hollywood.....AND he's a really good guy. But many are is a story from my latest hosting experience (after the brief intro to me)....fortunately I resigned....just in time!!!

Stay tuned for much more to come......thank you for watching....and cheers to a good life!

Oh but wait....before you click on the video, please let me throw out the following disclaimer: I am not an editor. I realize that the editing in this video is amateur at best. But throw me a bone, I'm new to Mac and am certainly new to editing......I promise I'm slowly learning.....just bear with me please! Thanks're alright :)



  1. Hi Star ;-)

    I loved your video...I totally get it...Wow! i am so burned out not only by the Industry but LA itself. Everyone wants to take something from LA, not give anything to's a bit of a blackhole that sucks you in and takes life OUT of you. It's a strange place...that doesn't energize you but drain's truly a non-society! Following non of the social norms set forth by other cities in the country.

    I wish you all of the luck in the world and i am so excited that you made your first video. Congratulations!!

    You're off to a brilliant start...ciao!

  2. Hey there TonyTV!

    Yes La La Land is a funny place....but I do love it...most of the time.

    Thank you for your comments--I do appreciate them!!

    Cheers to a good life :)


  3. Wandering Star, Wide Spread...hmmm! Thankfully you got out of that situation WS. Don't let the crazy bastard slow you down. I know you won''re smart, ambitious, and beautiful...and soon your star will shine bright for all the world to see!!
